Judicial assistance plays a great role in settling this kind of international cases, of which service abroad is an important part. 国际司法协助在这类案件的解决过程中起到了不可忽视的重要作用,域外送达制度就是其中重要的制度之一。
Consideration International Civil Judicial Assistance on the Perspective of Harmonization 和谐语境中的国际民事司法协助考量
Study on Judicial Assistance in Civil Matters between China and Other SCO Members 中国与上海合作组织其他成员国间民事司法协助研究
Impact of Agreement of Jointly Cracking down on Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Across the Taiwan Strait on the cross-strait system of judicial assistance 《海峡两岸共同打击犯罪及司法互助协议》对两岸司法协助制度的影响
Research on "the Regionalism of Criminal Judicial Assistance" under the Framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 上海合作组织框架下刑事司法协助区域化研究
The written request for judicial assistance, delivered to a people's court by a foreign court, and the appendices thereto, shall be accompanied by a translation in the Chinese language or in any other language provided for in an international treaty. 外国法院请求人民法院提供司法协助的请求书及其所附文件,应当附有中文译本或者国际条约规定的其他文字文本。
Criminal Judicial Assistance Under the Perspective of Comparison 比较视域下的刑事司法协助&以内地与香港为契点
Research on the Inter-Regional Criminal Judicial Assistance within the Framework of "One Country, Two Systems": Retrospect and Prospect 一国两制下我国区际刑事司法协助研究的回顾与展望
The Supreme people's court of China has formulated regulations on judicial assistance, and on postponing, reducing or exempting court costs for poor senior citizens. 最高人民法院制定有关司法救助的规定,对贫困老年人的诉讼费用实行缓交、减交和免交。
On the Obstacles in the Practice of International Criminal Judicial Assistance and Their Countermeasures; A Probe on International Judicial Criminal Cooperation Mechinism in Cracking Down Corrupt Officials Fleeing to other Countries 论我国开展国际刑事司法协助的障碍及其解决方案惩治外逃贪官的国际刑事司法协助解决机制探析
The recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters is a significant part of judicial assistance between the Mainland and Hong Kong. 民商事判决的承认与执行问题是内地与香港区际司法协助领域的重要组成部分。
The assistance that the courts of one state lend to courts or litigants of another state is referred to as international judicial assistance. 这种一个国家的法院向另一个国家的法院或诉讼人提供的协助就称为国际司法协助。
Working Group on International Cooperation and Judicial Assistance 国际合作和司法协助工作组
International Criminal Judicial Assistance and China's Practice 国际刑事司法协助及在我国的实践
The development tendency of international criminal judicial assistance; 国际刑事司法协助的发展趋势;
The problem of transferring Sentenced Persons is one of an important issue for the international criminal judicial assistance. 移交被判刑人问题是国际刑事司法协助中的一个重要问题。
Judicial assistance is important in settling of international civil cases. Service abroad is indispensable in judicial assistance. 在涉外民商事案件的解决过程中,国际司法协助的作用不可忽视,域外送达机制是司法协助中重要的方面。
The judgments of foreign court have particular meaning in international civil judicial assistance. 在国际民事司法协助中,外国法院判决有其特定的含义。
Proclaiming "the model law of China's interregional judicial assistance"; 《中国区际司法协助示范法》的出台;
China's interregional judicial assistance is a new and complicated problem. 中国的区际刑事司法协助是一个崭新而复杂的问题。
Arrest and surrender as part of the ICC criminal cooperation and judicial assistance regime, received considerable attention. 逮捕并移交有关人员作为国际刑事法院刑事合作与司法协助制度的一部分,受到相当的重视。
The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has signed a series of agreements on transfer of sentenced persons and set up a well organized criminal judicial assistance system, therefore offered a legislative guarantee for the needs of transferring sentenced persons between Hong Kong and foreign governments. 香港特别行政区与外国政府签订了一系列移交被判刑人协定,形成了一个比较系统的刑事司法协助体系,为香港与外国执法机构之间移交被判刑人提供了制度保障。
Interregional judicial assistance stands between international judicial assistance and local judicial assistance, but differs from both of them. 区际司法协助介乎于国际司法协助和域内司法协助之间,但有别于二者。
Studies of criminal judicial assistance will have practical significance in guiding China's practice in the criminal judicial assistance and China's legislation and judicial practice in terms of interregional criminal judicial assistance. 开展刑事司法协助问题的研究,对于指导我国对外刑事司法协助和我国区际刑事司法协助的立法和司法实践,具有重要的现实意义。
Part ⅱ designs the model of judicial assistance in civil matters in the SCO framework. 第二部分,是对上合组织框架下民事司法协助模式的设计。
Under this background, how to strengthen China-ASEAN bilateral or multilateral criminal judicial assistance has important practical significance. 在此背景之下,如何加强中国-东盟之间双边抑或多边的刑事司法协助具有重要的现实意义。
Extradition, as one of the most important means of judicial assistance, could be a invaluable research. 引渡作为国际刑事司法协助最为重要的方式之一,对其进行深入的研究,更是有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。